A country will disappear because of climate change


The island is only two meters above sea level, so rising water could be devastating.

Kiribati could become the first country to disappear due to climate change. Kiribati stretches over 3.5 million km2 in the Pacific Ocean, but a large part of the population is concentrated in southern Tarawa. It is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

"We have a relatively stable climate for the moment, but a change in the weather that pushes us to the hurricane belt could wipe us off the map," Kiribati President Anote Tong told BBC.

Tong is campaigning with the international community to finance development, allowing Kiribati to weather climate change and move its population elsewhere in case the sea devours the islands. Australia and New Zealand look like candidates. According to Environmental News, the main problems are the provision of sufficient food, water and sanitation.

Although it's raining with predictable regularity, the tanks needed to collect rainwater are scarce. Much of the population depends on underground aquifers, a series of horizontal natural channels filled with rainwater.



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