A couple has forgotten his newborn baby in a taxi


A couple had an unusual oversight on his return from the hospital where he had a baby in Hamburg, Germany. When they arrived home, they got out of the taxi with their eldest son, and they did not notice that they had forgotten the newborn child in the vehicle.

"They paid and said goodbye to the taxi driver, and when the taxi left, their hearts probably stopped," police said in a statement on Monday.


Apparently, the boy's father, realizing what had happened, ran after the car, but the driver continued on his way without realizing the boy's presence in the back seat.

After a while, the driver left the car and went to lunch, not noticing that the baby was still at the back. On his return, he normally continued his work, until another pbadenger alerted him to the presence of the baby who, when waking up, started crying.

To integrate

Then, the taxi driver contacted the police and an ambulance quickly approached to badess the condition in which the newborn was, which was finally returned to his parents.

"We were able, after a brief examination of the child by a team of ambulances, to ensure a good family reunion," explained the report released by the authorities.


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