A crocodile bit the arm of a tamer in full show


The man received medical attention and is out of danger

The picture is really shocking, but what happened is not beyond the logic. It happened in a circus in Chiang Rai, Thailand, during a show with crocodiles.

The included number as the man opened the mouth of the reptile and introduced an object and his arm, repeatedly.

unexpectedly and bitten the arm of the tamer in full show.

In the pictures posted on YouTube, you can see how the man puts his hand in the mouth of the reptile, while smiling and greeting the audience. But at some point the animal slams its powerful jaws, trapping the tamer's hand.

The seriously injured man was rushed to hospital where they confirmed that his life was not in danger and that he was not losing his arm despite the seriousness of the # 39; attack.

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