A crowd celebrated the arrival of 2021 in the Chinese city where COVID-19 started


A crowd gathered on the streets of the Chinese city of Wuhan, from where the coronavirus has spread, in scenes celebrating the arrival of the New Year which were captured by several videos that have toured the world in through social networks.

This city, where the original strain of Covid-19 was discovered, has succeeded in eradicating the disease completely, which has allowed its residents to celebrate the New Year with thousands of people on the streets, a countdown, toast, lights and thousands of balloons fly through the air.

The only difference from the celebrations of other years was that they all wore masks.

And on the web, in the rest of the world, where there are many people locked in their homes to avoid epidemics, the videos of the celebrations were received with astonishment, the Ansa news agency commented.

Among the reactions, according to the report, were applause for the ability to respond to the virus and comments about the irony of seeing crowds congregating in some parts of the globe and in others only lockdowns or restrictions. . (Telam and La Nueva.)


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