A crowd of Britons copied the streets at the repudiation of Donald Trump's visit – 13/07/2018


Donald Trump in papier mache with a gigantic orange head dragging Prince Mohammed from Saudi Arabia and his chained neighbor to Dubai. Mexican hats and mariachis disguise to reject the wall that they intend to build on the border with this country and the separation of children from their migrant parents at the US border. With the uniform of Guantánamo prisoners, another group demanded the closure of this concentration camp in Cuba and the end of the torture. And some with pans, pans, drums, whistles or his own voice to make noise.

Bronca, ingenuity, humor and resistance . This was the method chosen by at least hundreds of thousands of Britons in London and the rest of the kingdom in mbadive demonstrations for to repudiate Trump's visit to Britain. They consider that "their racism, misogyny, badism" is contrary to the values ​​and interests of the Kingdom and its image in the world.

Families, students, mothers, grandmothers, transbaduals, women and all social clbades marched Friday at the legendary Trafalgar Square in London to repudiate the explosive visit of the North American chief of state [19659004]. Hard slogans against the President of the United States, Donald Trump, during the demonstration in London. / AFP ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

Posters. Hard slogans against the President of the United States, Donald Trump, during the demonstration in London. / AFP

They demanded that the British government "not extend the red carpet" to a controversial and "liar" president, whom they consider "fascist" and "dangerous" for the stability of the world.

Several different marches converged on the symbolic place of central London, where at least 12,000 policemen guarded this carnival of resistance. Many wore masks with a phrase: "Trump stinks" or posters with "Enter Trump".

Julia Scott had missed her teaching job to be on the go, like so many others. "I'm here because I think Trump does terrible things for the world, it's unacceptable for this country to have him as a guest." We have values ​​in this area that works every day, humiliates the Prime Minister. , which I do not share the government, but that I respect as an institution.Now he says that he does not say what he said.We can not receive as a hero who behaves like a gangster, "he said.

A new phenomenon took place in Trump . People who had never participated in a march were there, scandalized, and at the same time ready to be heard.

"We are all immigrants". The large poster spread across Regent St and was the head of the march advancing towards Trafalgar Square. Behind, the faces of multicultural England, daughter of her colonial empire. For Amira, a descendant of the Egyptians, born in the kingdom, Trump "represents everything I hate, her racism is unbearable, her xenophobia, her narcissism, her misogyny, which is why I walk for the first time in my life. "

The current Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, alma mater demonstrations during the Iraq war, was one of the speakers on the plaza. For him, the message of this mbadive message is "solidarity". When we all come together with common goals, we can win.

The pro-European Democrat Liberal Democrat MP at the David Cameron government coalition marched. "He had not this intention but his crazy attacks against the European Union, NATO (Treaty of the Atlantic) and the WTO (the acronym in English). from the World Trade Organization) have changed things.Also, his British friends are Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Piers Morgan.He does not like everything I believe in and believes in everything that I do not like it, "he writes.

There were not only British in the march. Many Americans also expressed their repudiation. Like Lucy Robbins, who demanded an original poster: "Impeachment for the orange."

When everyone walked, Trump arrived by helicopter at the Windsor Palace with the first American lady Melania for her tea with Queen Isabel

A narcissistic president and the oldest ruler of the throne, who received 11 more US heads of state. Another scraping protocol for Trump after his insults at the premiere of Theresa May. In her cape and lavender hat uniform, the queen smiled when she gave him his handshake without tying his blue suit and Melania forgot to bow. In the revision of the crossed troops in front of