A Dayton shooter killed nine people in one minute, including his sister | Chronic


Among the nine victims of the shooting in Dayton (Ohio) is also the attacker's sister, identified as Connor Betts, and the girl's boyfriend. The two bodies shot were found in a car.

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Apparently, Betts's sister, Megan BettsThe victim, aged 22, was one of the first to be killed, as it is believed that the two brothers and the girl's couple arrived at the place where the violent incident was caused, in the same vehicle . The death of the aggressor's sister was recorded as the youngest fatality.

READ ALSO: <a href = "https://www.cronica.com.ar/mundo/Asi-abatieron-al-tirador-de- Dayton-who-killer-nine-people-20190805-0009.html "target =" _ blank ">So, they killed the shooter from Dayton, who murdered nine people

The mbadacre took place on Sunday, August 4 near the New Peppers Bar for unknown reasons and are the subject of an investigation. Fortunately, thanks to the quick action of the police, many more deaths could be prevented.


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