A dead and eight wounded during a knife attack in France


A man, armed with a knife and a kitchen skewer, sowed terror in a nearby metro on Saturday Lyon (Downtown East of la France) during the pedestrian attack, one of them, a 19 year old boy, was killed.

Eight others were injured, three of them in a very serious condition, according to a final badessment of the authorities.

The alleged abuser, whose motives are unknown, was arrested for "murder and attempted murder," the Lyon prosecutor's office told AFP. According to a police source, it would be the case of an Afghan asylum seeker.

??#LA FRANCE | 1 dead and 8 wounded after a knife attack near Laurent Bonnevay metro station, just outside the city of Lyon. According to local media, there were two attackers. One of them was arrested by the police, while the second managed to escape. pic.twitter.com/It77cVtYaV

– Rochex R. Robinson Bonilla (@ RochexRB27) August 31, 2019

At present, the National Prosecutor's Office for the fight against terrorism (PNAT) has not resumed the case, but is badessing the situation.

Authorities first spoke of a second suspect who escaped, but the authorities denied his existence.

The events occurred near a subway station in Villeurbanne, a town bordering Lyon, one of the three largest cities in France.

Bolsonaro is mocked at the wife of the French president and he responded

"There was a person at the 57 bus stop who started to stab on all sides," said a young woman on site at AFP.

"He managed to reach and open the belly of a person. Then he stabbed a guy in the head, another in the ear of a woman (…), at the bus stop, and no one came to him. to help, "he said, between two sobs.

Several people fled, took refuge where they could, some in a bus, said firefighters.

An AFP journalist present at the scene saw a body in a morgue and traces of blood on the floor. The police set up a security perimeter.

The Mayor of Lyon and former Minister of the Interior, Gérard Collomb, He went to the stage. He called for "maximum caution" regarding the possible terrorist nature of this "knife attack" during a brief statement to the press.



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