A disciple of Guadió was who burned the truck with humanitarian aid for Venezuela?


The fire truck humanitarian aid that went to Venezuela, whose images reproduced by the world, denies the government, condemns the US government. against the president of Nicolás Maduro, was accidentally caused by an opposition protester, according to the New York Times.

The newspaper, which investigated these images as well as unpublished video material intended to reconstruct the incident that occurred on February 23 at the Cucuta border post (Colombia), suggests that a "Molotov badtail thrown by a Anti-government protester was most likely to fire ".

On that day, the opposition was hoping to bring humanitarian aid trucks to Venezuela, in the middle of a violent demonstration that burned the cargo, allegedly of drugs, which also evokes the newspaper doing so. reference to the EE donation list. UU., To a source of opposition and videos.

According to the reconstruction of the incident, the Venezuelan police blocked the pbadage between Colombia and Venezuela so that aid trucks can not enter and that a "homemade bomb made with a bottle" was observed running towards the security forces.

Comparing the distributed and unpublished videos, the NYT highlights how part of this Molotov badtail ignites in the air, and a piece falls near the truck which, a few minutes later, will be on fire and will spread fire to D & D. # 39; others.

Since then, images are being recorded and information is circulating without verification or accusations against the Maduro government. "This is a clbadic example of how misinformation is distributed online," the paper said, noting that the series of sanctions imposed by Washington shortly thereafter was partially motivated.

The Colombian government was one of the actors behind the theory that Maduro ordered to fire the aid and, once the truck was destroyed, sent videos of security cameras recorded from the bridge to US officials and Colombian journalists.

However, the newspaper points out that this video released by the Colombian government is mounted with red circles in order to highlight the Venezuelan security forces by projecting tear gas on the truck, which infers that they are responsible for the smoke that appears later. he is manipulated.

The video in question "removes the 13-minute period before the fire," says the NYT, who asked President Ivan Duque's office to publish the entire video without success.

John R. Bolton, National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump, tweeted on March 2 that Maduro "is hiring criminals to burn food and medicine for the Venezuelan people", as well other US officials, who were contacted by the Times, were more cautious in their statements.

"Witnesses said that the fire began when Maduro's forces had violently blocked the entrance of humanitarian aid," they said, while holding the governor accountable for the events. sending the police that day.

The newspaper contacted the spokesman of Juan Guaidó, the head of parliament recognized by about 50 countries as president in charge of Venezuela, who said he did not have "accurate" information on any data. contradictory on the truck fire.


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