A discussion in a bowling alley, one of the assumptions behind the murder in Pichincha


Prosecutor Miguel Moreno, who investigated the murder that occurred this morning in Brown at 28 hours, said that the "detained man" would be tied to nighttime activities and / or activities of dance clubs "and that he would not be able to do so. It has thus turned out that one of the hypotheses treated up to the ground of the crime is a probable altercation that this person would have had several hours ago in a place located in the region of Rosario Norte.

Moreno said that among the first measures available, there was an investigation into the cameras of the public surveillance system and confirmed that the victim had "at least eight gunshot wounds".

The victim was identified as Carlos Ariel Señuque, 41 years old.

" "He was demoralized to rule out the fact that he had a gun, but I understand that he has no chance of anything"

The Attorney General also confirmed that this man was murdered when he arrived at his home and tried to enter the garage of the Brown Building 2857. In this sense, the prosecutor had revealed that there was a woman in the department, which was to be his. couple


The Renault Laguna in which the victim was facing the garage.

The Renault Laguna in which the victim was facing the garage.

Photo: The capital / Sebastián S. Meccia.

In the early stages of the investigation, Moreno said that "robbery would be ruled out" as a motive for the homicide because "there is no suppression of effects to the inside of the vehicle and all the items that the victim was carrying were found ".

>> Read more: A man shot dead in a car in the middle of Pichincha

However, he could not confirm whether the shots had been fired from a motorcycle or whether the killer was on foot. "Everything seems to indicate that they were made with the same 9-millimeter weapon and the breakage of the window pane is due to the entrance of the bullets," he said.


Carlos Ariel Señuque was 41 years old

Carlos Ariel Señuque was 41 years old

Photo by Facebook

Moreno also confirmed a fact that occurred shortly after the events and that related to the Renault Laguna property in which they killed the victim. The car was not registered in his name and the owner would be Santa Fe. "The car's data could give a reference to the frame in which this person moved," he added.

"We have not confirmed that he had a criminal record, we do not know for sure where he came from, he left at 1:30 pm or 2 am and at 7 pm 15, he went home, he was more demoralized than he did not have weapons. " But I understand that he had no chance, there were no weapons in the car, but they were narcotic, but in small quantities, it would apparently be for his personal consumption, "said the prosecutor.


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