A doctor confused the uterus with the placenta, tore it up and killed a parturient | Chronic


A Russian doctor made a terrible mistake and now risks up to three years in prison after causing the death of a 22-year-old woman, tearing her uterus instead of the placenta in a hospital of the Russian city of Nizhneserginskaya.

Alisa Tepikina He died at the age of 22, a victim of the negligence of a Russian doctor who had confused his uterus with the placenta and tore him causing him to stop heart just minutes after giving birth to his first daughter.

The couple before the tragedy. (Twitter)

This terrible action caused him unbearable pain, sinking into a coma, and finally having a heart attack without even having to live with the newborn. All because the doctor did not know the condition of the young woman, who was suffering from an inverted uterus.

Thus the resident of the Russian city of Nizhneserginskaya thought that the uterus was the placenta and that he pulled the umbilical cord hard, causing his detachment. At that moment, Alisa's cries reached the waiting room where her relatives were.

The doctor risks three years in prison.

After an initial investigation, it was determined that the uterus had been moved up to four hours after the disaster, when massive bleeding had already developed and the damage was irreversible. As a result, the responsible person could be sentenced to up to three years' imprisonment for negligence.

Meanwhile, her 42-year-old grandmother and 22-year-old father take care of the deceased's baby, while the doctor was suspended from his activities and banned from traveling during the trial.

"Shortly after the tragedy, I went to the clinic, I wanted to look him in the eyes (of the doctor responsible) and when that happened, he asked me where I had gone. I noticed no sign of regret … He killed my daughter, " he said Elena Barannikova, mother of the victim.


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