A doctor diagnosed a woman "badly fucked" and was suspended | Chronic


In Spain, the Superior Court of Justice of Murcia (TSJM) sentenced a doctor to eleven months of suspension from work, without pay, after being reported by a 21-year-old patient who diagnosed, in writing, as "not well baded".

Although it seems strange, in the case and according to the sentence, the doctor determined that the woman was "not well baded" or in any case "If she was not, her mother was," and all this left a written record in clinical history.

Due to the facts, the doctor in question was convicted of committing "a serious contempt for his patient." In addition, they added three months to smoke during the aforementioned consultation.

In his defense, the doctor stated that the diagnosis was not in progress. "harm or mock the patient", while considering that he did so "because you had to know the causes of your emotional disorder", so
that the young woman asked for anxiolytics.

Finally, the TSJM submitted that the decision is made because these types of qualifiers are "Inadmissible in a medical consultation that is expected respectful, scientific and ethical and can not be accepted as a correct diagnosis".

The details

The sentence has been pronounced for three years from 2016, when the woman went to the hospital because she had fainted and, after pbading in front of the caretaker, she told him that at noon she had to come back to see her. doctor

Thus, and as the girl recalled, when entering the office, the health specialist gave her a cigarette that she rejected while lighting one.

After the victim explained the details of the events and the reasons for the visit, the doctor began to ask him questions of a badual nature. He also told her that he was not going to prescribe what service doctors had sent her "because I was getting fat and I was going to lose the lomazo that I had".

Before the astonishment of this, the doctor consulted him: "Who's the best, you or your mother?"and then he published his diagnosis.

Here's how the case was reported on social networks


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