A doctor had on his computer a "pedophile manual"


It's kind of a tutorial with a detailed description of where to find kids, how to approach them and seduce them little by little, as it's about a kid. game or a joke.

First, consider looking for children in their own families who are with single mothers or in parks and squares. The manual even offers simulations of what conversations need to have.

The text not only teaches how to have bad, it also repeats that bad with children is not disgusting. It does not bring explicit photos, but only informal images.

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At the BBC, we will not detail the name or the contents of the file, but here we tell you the story of one of the holders of the document that has been disseminated within links downloaded by pedophiles and which surprised the police of Minas Gerais. , Brazil.

A version of the manual was found at the end of last year on the computer of Dr. Fabio Lima Duarte, 36, who has already been arrested twice in Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais.

Initially, the general practitioner was accused of having accessed more than 30,000 images related to child badgraphy over a period of one year. The content was monitored by the Cyber ​​Intelligence Laboratory of the Integrated Operations Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice.

After identifying the volume of images, the doctor was one of the main targets of an operation launched by the civilian police in Minas Gerais in October of last year.

In 2017, the Brazilian police arrested a suspect during a raid against a pedophile network.

A version of the manual was found at the end of last year on the computer of Dr. Fabio Lima Duarte, 36, who has already been arrested twice in Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais.

Initially, the general practitioner was accused of having accessed more than 30,000 images related to child badgraphy over a period of one year. The content was monitored by the Cyber ​​Intelligence Laboratory of the Integrated Operations Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice.

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After identifying the volume of images, the doctor was one of the main targets of an operation launched by the civilian police in Minas Gerais in October of last year.

When arrested, Lima Duarte admitted that the equipment belonged to him and declared that he was addicted to this type of content. The defense asked to be released, arguing in the Superior Court that the doctor was suffering from "paraphilia" (a strange badual behavior). The BBC tried unsuccessfully to contact the doctor's lawyers.

He was placed under house arrest in a comfortable residence in Belo Horizonte and was released soon after.

The doctor was accused of having viewed 30,000 images related to badgraphy featuring children in a year.

In Brazil, since 2008, the penalty for acquiring or storing badgraphic scenes with children ranges from one to four years. This type of crime is considered less serious than, for example, offering, exchanging or distributing child badgraphy, with sentences ranging from three to six years.

That is why the head of the investigation, Renata Ribeiro, has asked forensic experts to look for any indication that the doctor would have, in addition to being downloaded, shared the illegal content.

At the end of the day, what they found in the doctor's computer eventually surprised the police themselves and sent the accused back to jail in February, subject to a delay. new investigation.

"People knew that the case was more voluminous, but when the investigation was closed, the situation was much worse." The expert himself drew attention to the content by explaining that he had a lot of things, "says researcher Ribeiro, the special commissioner for child protection at the # 39; teenager

Own production

The material that surprised even the experts, used to badyzing this type of content, contained, in addition to the tutorial and images of explicit bad with children and adolescents, images produced by the doctor himself.

The doctor recorded the private parts of about 100 patients during the exams and stored the videos in folders with the first name and a number that, according to the police, refers to the patient 's age.

The police also identified on the computer a folder bearing the name "Natal" (Portuguese "Navidad"), which has nothing to do with the end of the year party. The doctor was filmed having bad with minors during a trip to Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, according to investigations.

Three women filmed by the doctor were identified and interviewed by the police.

He also recorded, thanks to a closed circuit of shooting in his own residence in Belo Horizonte, what he did with business girls and young people with whom he left. In one of the pictures, there is a scene of torture.

The doctor also put a camera in the lab coat and, in some images, appears himself installing the equipment in the office. Fabio Lima Duarte worked as a general practitioner in clinics in the metropolitan area of ​​Belo Horizonte.

Three women filmed by the doctor were identified and interviewed by the police. Two of them are patients and the third, who went to the doctor four years ago, thinks he has been drugged by him.

"She was baffled by seeing the images, they are scenes of torture, aggression, even a knife, horrible," said researcher Renata Ribeiro, claiming that the identified victims were frightened, fearing that the doctor would leave them and search for them. .

One of the patients was 13 years old when she was examined by the doctor, who pbaded her tests like a badl ultrasound.

In a video, she appears in the office accompanied by an adult woman, the mother, and, during a conversation, refers to the age of the patient. The researcher explained that during her examinations she touched patients inappropriately and filmed their private parts.

"The mother noticed that she was touching her daughter.In general, both patients said that the examination had surprised them and that they felt constraint, recalling the incident." said Ribeiro, who, when he asked for a second prison sentence for the doctor, allowed the judge to reveal his name, age and face.

The idea of ​​spreading his face was to motivate potential victims to go to the police. It is suspected that he filmed 105 patients, 74 adults and 31 children and adolescents. Four other women have already been identified.

But there was not a single complaint, the researcher laments.

The police asked the clinics where Fabio Duarte was working on the list of patients that he consulted. There were over a thousand in each of the health centers. The researcher says that she is willing to find everyone.

His intention is to open an investigation for each woman, in order to increase not only the possibilities of a quick penalty, but also the permanence of the doctor in prison.

But Fabio Lima Duarte was released again this month, according to the G1 news portal.

The doctor's registration appears to be suspended by court order on the website of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM).

In a note, the Regional Council of Medicine of Minas Gerais indicated that each complaint was badyzed by a veeduría and entered in the habitual procedure of evaluation established by the Code of ethics.

According to the entity, the proceedings are handled in secret and only the public sanctions imposed on the denounced doctors can be disclosed.

"The CRM-MG states that, if it is known that there are indications of ethical violation by the physician, a complaint must be addressed to the council that will determine the facts."


The history of the doctor served to alert the officers of the police station, tells Renata Ribeiro. He drew attention to the fact that Duarte was young, single and had a respected profession, which he used to abuse teenagers and young women.

But when it comes to pedophilia, there is no social clbad or age, said Alessandro Barreto, coordinator of the Cybernetic Intelligence Laboratory of the Ministry of the Interior's Integrated Operations Secretariat. Justice.


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