A doctor practiced inseminations with his own sperm and confirmed that he had 49 children


April 13, 2019

He is the former director of an badisted insemination clinic in the Netherlands.

A doctor practiced inseminations with his own sperm and confirmed that he had 49 children

Jan Karbaat, the former director d & # 39; a sperm bank in Holland, it's him biological father of 49 guys born by in vitro fertilization, as announced by the organization representing the the parents and children of that case.

From a series of samples of DNAit has been determined that the gynecologist, who died in 2017, has 49 products of direct descendants of its own use sperm in the procedures instead of those donor chosen, when they failed.

"The results confirm the serious suspicions that Karbaat used his own sperm in his clinic.", They said of the group Defense for children after receiving the results of Hospital Canisius Wilhemina of Nijmegen.

This case caused a sensation February when a Dutch court decided that Karbaat DNA samples should be made available to parents and their children so that they can make comparisons.

A doctor used his sperm in fertility treatments and now has more than 50 children

Before he died, Jan had confessed that he was the biological father of 60 children product of his work in the clinical -which closed in 2009 due to administrative irregularities-. In addition, the doctor allegedly falsified data and descriptions of sperm donors.

One of his descendants, Eric Lever, had ensured in a TV interview "do not be mad at Karbaat"For what he had done."I do not have the impression to fool my mother, I really wanted a child and I could not have it with my dad"Explained the young.

From now on, Defense for Children members must decide if they will demand a compensation wing the family Karbaat by the fees what caused them scientific process of comparison, and for the emotional damage suffered.

For some affected families, it was very difficult to go through this process because Karbaat not only violated Professional Ethics but that made him believe a lot women and children that his progenitor was anonymous.

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