A dog refuses to abandon the lifeless body of its owner


Animal Notes |

April 9, 2019
– 11:04

It arrived in Montemorelos, Mexico. The man was hit by a train and the dog stayed for hours with him

A dog moved all the inhabitants of the town of Montemorelos, in Mexico, at stay for hours next to the body of your dreams, which was hit by a train.

When the authorities approached the place, they were able to confirm that the man, 57 years old, was already lifeless.

To integrate

# states #New Lion A man lost his life when he was run over by a train. The paramedics and the authorities fought to take the body because the dog of the deceased had refused to leave his master, in the municipality of Montemorelos. pic.twitter.com/dYsOUcK8V7

– THE EDEN MX (@ EdenMx16) April 4, 2019

Beyond the tragic event, they noticed the presence of a dog who refused to part with the man. It took hours for the police and the rescuers to lift the body because they had to fight against the dog, who even he tried to bite a money.


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Neighbors have pointed out that the dog has been with his owner for many years and everywhere. The images, captured on April 4, moved users of social networks who confirmed once again dog loyalty.


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