A dog triumphs like a living statue with his owner


A video of a puppy acting with its owner is the new viral image of social networks that arouses tenderness and laughter. The puppy stands out by claiming to be a living statue resting on the shoulder of its owner.

The animal accompanies a young man who seeks him as a statue in front of the government headquarters of the city of Ceará, Brazil.

The boy, painted in gold, stands atop a drawer and the little animal sits on his shoulder while pretending to kiss him. Both do not move the hair.

The public is grouped in front of the owner and his pet has not hesitated to record the show and record it with his mobile phone.

The puppy is a living statue with his owner

In an instant, a gentleman was encouraged to leave money in the box that the boy had leaned on the ground, and before the gesture, they moved out and thanked with a bow. After a few seconds, they came back to stay still and in the same position.


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