A dolphin lost its young and did not want to abandon it (there is a video)


February 24, 2021 11:28 PM

A dolphin gave birth to a calf which was born lifeless and refused to leave it. The heartbreaking moment was caught on camera.

A dolphin lost its young and did not want to abandon it (there is a video)
A dolphin lost its young and did not want to abandon it (there is a video)

A female dolphin, known as the Cracker, experienced a horrific situation when she observed that her newborn calf was lifeless, so she refused to let it adrift. The moment was caught on cameras and went viral in the past few hours.

The heartbreaking fact It happened at the Dolphin Discovery Center in the town of Bunbury, Western Australia. The author of the images is Alan Simm, who works as a volunteer at the center and is in charge of the documentation.

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In the video the animal can be clearly seen swimming towards its calf and pulling it towards the surface. The utterly desperate dolphin repeats the movements several times with the intention of reviving her. This kind of situation these are totally natural events that occur between this type of mammal, but in a few situations it has been possible to capture the anguish they feel when losing a calf. Experts pointed out that during the dolphin mourning process, there should be no intervention.

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“As part of the grieving process, the mother will carry the calf for a few days, mourning its loss,” the publication says. “When it gets close, it can push the baby underwater to protect it, which is wasted effort in a stressful time,” he adds.

Jan Tierney, head of conservation at the Dolphin Discovery Center, told the Daily Mail that Cracker gave birth to four cubs. “The first was Cookie, followed by Anzac, then another who tragically got caught in a fishing line when she was one year old, followed by her stillborn baby,” he said. declared. “If the coast is clear, the mother carries the baby, pushes it to the surface to breathe and then pushes it into the water to hide it again,” he added.

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