A drop of blood and the gesture "a coffee", the new emojis that provoke controversy


The Unicode consortium revealed the 59 new emojis that will arrive on all platforms in 2019, the most awaited by the Argentineans and the Uruguayans: the mate.

The Emoji 12 final list, which includes 230 patterns for the variety of colors and genres, will be launched on March 5, although starting in April, companies will start updating their platforms. They can take until September or October to implement them.

In addition to the second, there is other icons eagerly awaited by users, but others generating surprise, confusion and already propose alternative uses.

The red drop

It may look like a drop of blood, and that's it. But In fact, this new emoji represents menstruation. More than 54,000 people supported the initiative of the NGO Plan Internacional to use a bombacha with a drop of blood, but the project was rejected by Unicode.

Despite the result against, a new proposal was made which was finally approved. "This is another step to break the taboo around this period in many societies," they told the NGO.


The other controversy came from the hand of the gesture done by moving the index finger and the thumb together, the famous "coffee" that many of us use in Argentina.

In fact, emoji are called "pinching" or "pinching" (pinching or pinching with the hand), and can be used to indicate something small, many people say that it will be the most used of all.

Yes, many women said that whenever a man would send them an unsolicited photo of their bads, they would have this emoji on hand to answer.

"How good is it!" They translated Pelosi's applause into emoji.

"The community of unsolicited penis pictures panicked."

Oysters and eggplants

Speaking of male member, long ago in networks, there is an emoji used to illustrate: eggplant. How did it happen? We do not know, but it's like that.

And for women? For many users, the bad will now have its counterpart in emoji format with the arrival of the oyster with a pearl.

Now that oyster emoticons are coming, will this be the new bad? Eggplant needs a standardized counterpart and has not been able to fully enforce it. That the emoji of the second do not escape the debate. pic.twitter.com/SzKqfdjCwk

– Fiorella Sargenti (@FioSargenti) February 6, 2019


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