A Facebook user has planned to invade Area 51 to search for foreigners and has been threatened by the US government


The event has attracted the attention of more than one million people.

A Facebook post, born of a simple game, has triggered alarms from the United States Air Force. Is it a user of the social network proposed to invade en mbade the mysterious place called Area 51, September 20. Over the hours, more than a million people have joined their proposal. The authorities of the North American country have sent letters on this subject.


"We found zone 51, they can not stop us all, if we run like Naruto, we can go faster than his bullets," he said, referring to the manga-inspired Japanese style that works with arms raised and back, and head forward.


"Let's See the Extraterrestrials", the invitation was completed, alluding to the myth that is the hallmark of Groom Lake Base in the state of Nevada.


This place was run several decades ago with such a high level of secrecy that it gave rise to theories that there would be aliens and spaceships, as well as advanced technologies.

The US Air Force did not take the summons lightly, understanding the size it had taken. "The US Air Force is always ready to protect Americans and their badets," said spokeswoman Laura McAndrews, adding, "We discourage anyone trying to get to the area where we train the US Army ". .

With such a warning, the event organizer decided to cancel it and released: "Hello United States Government, it is a joke, and I do not have a problem. really do not intend to continue with this plan;

The myths around Area 51 began after World War II, in the midst of investigations into UFOs, after the alleged discovery of a flying saucer in Rosswell, New Mexico.


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