A Falklands hero wants to recover his helmet | Chronic


The helmet that saved the life of Jorge "Beto" Altieri, an Argentine soldier who fought in the Malvinas, is sold on the Internet at more than 500,000 pesos – about $ 13,000 – in the United Kingdom. From Fundación No Me Olvides, they have ensured that the conditions are in place for the veteran to recover.

"Since the foundation, we will communicate with the helmet wearer, we will talk to those who correspond so that the sale does not happen." We will look for ways to get it back and return it to Altieri accordingly."he said Chronic Julio Aro, President of Fundación No Me Olvides, an institution made up of mothers of people who died during the Malvinas war, of veterans and civilians who adhere to the cause.

The foundation is preparing a new trip on March 13 to Malvinas for the families of the last identified soldiers and Aro said "The best relationship with the UK, with the British Ambbadador with Mark Kent, with the islanders and with all those who help them with the attention of mothers"for when they visit Darwin's graveyard.

"To quickly find out something about itor (the helmet for sale) they would probably help us to recover it "he badured. "Retrieve the helmet is part of my life. Thanks to this piece of iron, I saved my life in combat ", says Altieri with emotion, in dialogue with Chronic The helmet put on sale by Ebay by a British war collector priced at £ 10,500, or $ 13,000, belongs to the fighter and was written inside "Beto" Altieri, seriously injured during l & # 39; year. head in the intense battle of Mount Londgdon.

"The last time I had the helmet, it was June 12, 1982, while I was fighting at Mount Longdon.When they hurt me, the helmet saved me." life, they took me to town and I never saw him again ", he said during a dialogue with Chronic Altieri The helmet was punctured by the bursts of a mortar bomb that fell near him, killing a first sergeant on the Gvirtz armored scout team and injuring another in the leg.

"It hurts my head, leading to loss of brain mbad in the left hemisphere, loss of the left eye and hemiplegia in the face, arms and leg", explains the fighter. "All my life, I'm going to thank this helmet that has allowed me to stay alive and continue to fight for all the rights of veterans"said Altieri.

According to the fighter, after being wounded, the helmet is thrown to Puerto Argentino and recovered by an English soldier who fought it and who took it as a war trophy to London. When the soldier dies four years ago, it is his family who auction him off.

It's there that Altieri learned about the existence of the war element that had saved his life. The fighter has arranged with a friend to participate in the auction, during which he has closed an operation for £ 400, but with one minute to finalize the purchase, a new buyer is appeared and offered the double. Today, the same Englishman is asking for 10,000 more pounds for the same article.

"I would like to get it back not only for me, but also for society, as it would be kept at the Falklands Museum and the South Atlantic Islands or at the Malvinas Regiment 7 Museum in La Plata, where I'm going to get it. did my military service and defend the homeland ", concluded.


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