A famous chief was arrested at the Los Angeles airport for carrying piranhas in his luggage


Virgilio Martínez, from "Chef 's Table", was interrogated for five hours by customs officers who discovered something strange in his luggage. When asked what is in it? the chef reacted in an unusual way.

A popular A Peruvian chef was arrested several hours at the Los Angeles International Airport for carrying 40 piranhas in a bag.

Virgilio Martinez, chef and owner of Central Restaurant in Peru, told Los Angeles Times on Wednesday that he wanted to serve the carnivorous and sharp fish at a gourmet festival in Los Angeles.

Martinez appeared in the third season of the Netflix show "Chef's Table". In 2018, Central in Peru ranked sixth among the best restaurants in the world, ranking among the 50 best in the world.

The waters of Nanay. the piranhas pic.twitter.com/XE8SqZf3sD

– Virgilio Martinez (@VirgilioCentral) April 11, 2018

The famous chef arrived in Los Angeles where he would participate in the Food Bowl gourmet festival. Customs officers detected something strange in their luggage According to the Angeles Times, the chief's answer took him to an interrogation room with other officers.

Photo: AFP

The piranhas were packed in a vacuum: "Why are you bringing piranhas?", Continued to question the customs officers.

Virgilio explained that he would prepare a special dinner for friends and that he "" I will make a dish that I really enjoy ".

After five hours of questioning, the agents let him pbad with the 40 fish he used that night for a salad. The next night, he dried the skins of piranha and served them in the head.

Piranhas are common in rivers of South America.


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