A famous telepath is threatening to use his powers to stop Brexit | Chronic


L & # 39; Israel Uri Geller, one of the world's best-known mediums, is threatening to use telepathy to end the so-called Brexit process, which would separate the United Kingdom from Britain from the European Union.

Although many accuse him of quackery and others think that some stuff worked when, in 1973, he became a popular medium after participating in eight secret experiments at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), that is that Geller has been badyzed by the CIA. in one document, he concluded that the telepathic demonstrated his capacity for paranormal perception in a convincing and unambiguous way. However, in addition to folding the spoons with his mind and surprising with his telepathic messages and his viewer tests, he has now indicated that he could very well act to try to stop the so-called Brexit, to the point that the Prime United Kingdom Minister, Theresa Mayhe should be very careful because he has now threatened to stop using his psychic arts at Brexit.

The threat

After sending an open letter to Theresa May, Uri Geller wants people to transmit psychic energy at the same time. Geller asked the British people to help him in his efforts to stop Brexit telepathically. sending his own telepathic messages to Theresa May 's mind, forcing her to revoke Article 50. The telepathic wrote a missive to the Prime Minister on Friday, March 22, warning that she will use her psychic abilities to prevent the realization of Brexit.

"I am psychologically very convinced that most Britons do not want Brexit", said the letter. "I love you very much, but I will not allow you to take Britain to Brexit, as much as I admire you, I will telepathically prevent you from doing so and believe me, I am able to run it. Before taking this radical decision, I ask you to stop the process immediately while you still have the possibility.Three years before becoming prime minister, I predict your victory by showing you the spoon of Winston Churchill in my Cadillac, that I asked you to play. I urge and ask people to think, even if it's for a few seconds, at 11:11 each morning and at the same time but at night, that they're sending this message to Theresa May to ask her to revoke Article 50 and stay in the European Union."Geller said Daily Mail Online.

"The energy can be transmitted, the energy can be received and the collective energy of people who want to achieve something is huge."

Geller also said that it was not a manipulation and that he had no problem with the ethics of his decision, since he considered that he opened his mind to listen to people's messages. "I do not see that interfering with May's spirit, I'm giving you a scenario to better understand the situation, and I'm opening my mind to listen to people's messages. leave the EU, it will be a catastrophic eventHe also said that Geller explained that it was not the first time he had successfully entered May's mind, could it influence the now strong policy of the British government?


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