A far-right Senator has hit a teenager who threw him an egg for proverbs on New Zealand – 03/16/2019


Australian right-wing Senator Fraser Anning staged a scandal on Saturday hit a teenager who crashed an egg on his head, in repudiation for his statements concerning the mbadacre that took place in the mosques of Christchurch in New Zealand.

Anning, a Queensland senator, said Friday that the badbadination led by Brenton Tarrant was the result of policies allowing Muslim immigration, which he said generates "fear in the community."

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A young man of only 17 years old identified in social networks as Will Connolly was at the place where Anning made statements to the press in Melbourne and, with the mobile phone in hand and filming, he broke him a egg in the head. Senator he turned around and hit him twice in the face.

Moments later, two people who accompanied Anning took the young man's neck and threw it to the ground, smothering it for a few seconds. A few minutes later, police officers arrived and took the child from the place.

The senator's reaction quickly became viral in social networks and within hours, hundreds of thousands of people signed a petition demanding his resignation.


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