A Fernandez | Argentina


If something is safe with luck, it changes. This is perhaps what Fernandez thought that day, in mid-May, when he left the office of former President Cristina Kirchner and called his girlfriend to tell him: "Suspend what you have to do, I need to see you". The news that Fernandez had received was impressive: would be the candidate for the presidency of Cristina, so Peronism, then, considering the loss of prestige of Mauricio Macri, could be the future president of Argentina . Just him, who was a political pariah months ago. Just him, who had been repudiated a thousand times by Cristina herself. Just him, who was unknown to most Argentines.

Believe it or break out: if there is anything safe with luck, it is that it changes.

You just have to be at the right time in the right place.

And this time I touch him.

Fernández is a surname, if it is necessary to say it, very common in Argentina. So much so that the formula that Fernandez already uses begins to call Fernández-Fernández or FF. Because the vice presidential candidate is Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. And who directs it, that is Alberto Fernández. Fernandez & Fernandez punctuate-for a short time: scrutiny, attendance of multiple acts and friendly thanks.

It was not always so harmonious.

Alberto Fernández is a clbadic of Argentine Peronism. It means that it was what I had at every moment. When there was a Peronist neoliberal government, a Peronist man had to be there. And there was Fernandez in the nineties. When another Peronist government believes in state activism aimed at distributing income, it must also be there. "Hold on to the wheel of fortune Do not let go Sometimes you have to be up, sometimes down, the important thing is not to give up", says a character from the Mexican novelist Héctor Aguilar Camín.

Fernandez met Nestor Kirchner, at the time little-known governor of Argentine Patagonia. When Kirchner came to the presidency, almost by chance, Fernandez was there, in the right place, and occupied the office next to that of his chief, the Chief of Staff. He lived this man the happiest years of his life. The economy became strong, the government imposed the military trial of the dictatorship, distributed millions of retreats, Argentina was recomposed with force by one of its appalling crises: everything was going to ask.

The problems began in 2008, when Kirchner gave power to Cristina, his wife. Cristina radicalizes the government, proposes a path where conflict occupies the central place, faces a senseless battle against the press, the agricultural sector, the Peronist dissidents, the few misled judges and finally almost all those who discuss one another. point or a comma. That is to say, he lost this Peronist plasticity. In favor of Fernandez, it must be said that he did not accept and left. Fernandez did not support these attacks and denounced even in the media that Cristina considered her worst enemies. In the most difficult moments, she ended up describing her as a "psychopath". There should be no turning back.

In 2017, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner lost a mid-term election against a very weak candidate, who supported Mauricio Macri. After this election, Fernandez called and proposed to meet. It seems that they met each other, that they said all they had to say, all the insults, the misunderstandings, the suspicions were forgiven. And he proposed reconciling it with Peronism, with which she had also fought in her most messianic moments.

The Argentine crisis did its thing. Mauricio Macri began to lose his image. Cristina Kirchner to retrieve it. At the beginning of May, the polls revealed something unthinkable: she began to position herself as the favorite to regain power. And he was there, by his side, to the great surprise of himself and these foreigners, this Fernandez. In this context, Cristina presented an autobiographical book and generated an unprecedented editorial fervor. He seemed unstoppable. And one morning, as if, against almost all predictions, Cristina announced that she would not be president and that she had named Alberto Fernández for this role. She booked the second place in the formula.

The episode caused an earthquake causing the origin of thousands of questions. Why did he do it? For personal reasons? Her husband is dead, her mother, her daughter has a serious health problem, she is tired of so much pressure, maybe she did not give anymore. Was it that? Or did he do it because he thought he could not win because of the sustained rejection that society had shown him for many years? Why did he think that, under these conditions, such a person would not be able to govern the country and nobody can do it?

Then: more questions Fernandez will he win? Will Fernandez be able to transfer the votes to Fernandez? Fernández will be the puppet of Fernández? Fernández de Fernández will become independent? Will one of Fernandez pull the other out the window? Fernandez will he suspect Fernandez all the time that Fernandez is about to betray him? Fernandez will he imitate Fernandez so that everything is the same? Will the Fernandez be happy and eat partridges?

Whatever the case may be, this little story is a challenge for those who think of life or politics as something predictable and consistent or for those who think that obedience and blind loyalty are always good business.

Arrive or not in power, reign well or not if you had to do it, the story of "a Fernandez" already includes a very small morality, which is the only respectable size for a moral.


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