A ferry hit a whale in Japan and 87 people were injured – 03/09/2019


The Japanese coastguard reported Saturday that at least 87 people had been injured in a collision between an airboat ferry and a whale around the island of Sado in central Japan.

Five of the wounded are hospitalized with a severe prognosisbut they are all aware, according to the coastguard.

The accident occurred on Saturday around 12:15, while the ship was making a connection between the city of Niigata, on the island of Honsu, the main island of the Japanese archipelago , and the island of Sado, with 121 people on board.

The collision occurred in an area used by whales as a flyway. National Ecographic Photo.

The collision occurred in an area used by whales as a flyway. National Ecographic Photo.

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The boat resumed a little more than an hour after the impact and the wounded were transferred to hospitals. Subsequent examination of the vessel revealed a crack of 15 centimeters at the back and damage to the hydrofoil.

Shinichiro Ikeguchi, deputy director of the Joetsu City Municipal Aquarium, Niigata, pointed out that the magnitude of the impact indicated that the vessel had struck a whale in an area used as a flyway by Minke whales and humpback whales.

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