A few days before PASO, the government will increase social spending by 96 billion pesos


A few days before the elections Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primary (STEP), the government authorized a 40 percent increase in the social budget. It is approximately 96 billion pesos that will receive the Ministry of Social Development, directed by Juan Zabaleta for a few weeks. The definition was known at the economic cabinet meeting held this week.

The Chief of Staff, Santiago Caféiero, This afternoon, he chaired the economic cabinet meeting which takes place every week. Besides Zabaleta, the Deputy Chief of Staff, Cecilia Todesca; the ministers of the economy, Martín Guzman; Productive Development, Matias Kulfas; and work, Claudio Moroni, in addition to the President of the Central Bank, Miguel Pesce, and the director of AFIP, Mercedes Marco del Pont.

The meeting discussed the issue of articles from the Department of Social Development, in the midst of deep concern about the economic crisis affecting the most vulnerable sectors, in a context where more than 40 percent of the population is plunged into poverty and where the Frente de Todos is preparing to go to the polls amid the demands of neighboring social movements as independents.

In this context, the new head of Social Development, Zabaleta – who succeeded the current candidate for the post of national deputy Daniel Arroy a few weeks ago – called for the budget for the entire ministry to be enlarged. The subject had already been discussed. And today it was announced that they will be giving him a 40 percent game-wide raise in August. This is a $ 96 billion expansion that may continue to grow in the future., official sources reported to Infobae.

After the meeting, Zabaleta commented: “We talked about the Alimentar Card and Empower Work. We are working on the 2022 budget. Now the budget has been increased by 40% and it is already reserved for direct investments. It lasts until the end of the year. We are not going to end up without money ”.

The budget expansion to this amount was signed in August, official sources told this outlet, and Social Development “already has the resources available” to use them in budget execution. It is carried out in a complicated context for the Government because of the delicate social balance during the deep crisis which affects the poorest layers with more intensity.

Last week, social organizations “independent from government“Held the first” national picket day of struggle “since the arrival of Zabaleta a Social development. Claims “Pending claims”, in increase of the social programs, the payment of the wages due by the “Reinforcement of the Work”, a global aid to soup kitchens, real jobs, public works to reactivate the tasks of district through the cooperatives; and among other requests, a housing plan to provide housing solutions.

Today, during the economic cabinet, there was also a debate Budget 2022 which is being prepared by the Ministry of the Economy and which it will have to present to Congress on September 15. Previously, official sources had assured that negotiations with the IMF were continuing and that the outcome of the talks would be included in the “law of laws”.

The income and expenditure project was one of the central themes of the meeting. Asked about this after the meeting, the Minister of Productive Development Matias Kulfas he assured: “The Ministry of the Economy is in the process of finishing defining it, we are working on a budget geared towards reactivation. Agreement is an important aspect, but it is not the only one. When the Ministry of the Economy has finished reaching an agreement (with the IMF), it will be included in the budget, which is not the case today ”,.

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