A fire devastated a Mexican bar after the Molotov bomb attack: 25 dead | Chronic


At least 25 people died, including nine women and 16 men. Thirteen other people were injured during a Molotov badtail attack against a bar in the state of Veracruz, southern Mexico, local media reports said.

The attack took place "First with bursts of machine guns by individuals who fired indiscriminately and then dropped Molotov bombs that caused death"as reported ABC International.

The Attorney General of Mexico announced Tuesday at midnight, by a statement, that he was conducting the first investigations "and coordinates with the authorities to clarify the facts of the incident", is produced in a bar of the port of Coatzacoalcos.

L & # 39; s body "Condemns what could be an artistic attack that occurred last night in a bar in the city of Coatzacoalcos" which caused a fire, injuries and deaths. "Thirteen people have been seriously injured as a result of these events and are already receiving medical care in various hospitals in the health sector"he added.

Attack at the bar Caballo Blanco. (Twitter)

Local media reported that the fire at Caballo Blanco Bar had taken place after several attackers with Molotov badtails broke out, news agencies EFE and Europa Press reported.

The alleged badault would have occurred on Tuesday around midnight and the fire would have caused panic among the people who were in the premises, many of whom could not leave the premises at the time , according to witnesses.

For his part, the governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, has promised to find those responsible for this attack in one of the most important ports of southern Mexico, and said on his Twitter account that "The National Guard, the Mexican Army and the Secretary of the Navy, among others, persecute the individuals who set fire to the Caballo Blanco bar in Coatzacoalcos harbor on Tuesday night."

In addition, he added: "Just as in Minatitlán we met the leaders, the clever crime committed a few moments ago in Coatzacoalcos will not go unpunished.In Veracruz, criminal groups are no longer tolerated. #GuardiaNacional, SEDENA, SEMAR, Federal Police and @SP_ Veracruz are after transgressors ".

In one of his latest tweets, he said that: "The indications about the deplorable crime committed at the Bar of Coatzacoalcos indicate that one of the material authors is Ricardo" alias "la loca", that the fzas coordinates of Veracruz stopped in July this year and were released in less than 48 hours for the FGE. "

Tweets from the governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez.

That's the bar. (Twitter)

Some media outlets such as La Prensa are already talking about the worst mbadacre in this state and even compare it to what happened in 2011 at the Royal Bar in Monterey, which was burned and attacked with firearms when they were killed. an event that killed 52 people

The prosecutor's office, although it does not speak directly of an attack, indicates that it will execute "investigation necessary to establish, in the first place, whether the events occurred are the result of a malicious attack, to ensure that they do not go unpunished, deploying all necessary human, technical and material resources".

Nine women and 16 men died. (Twitter)

# Mexico: The death toll rises to 25 after the attack of the bar Coatzacoalcos in Veracruz. There are 13 serious injuries. According to several witnesses, at least eight people reportedly arrived at the scene, sprinkled with gasoline and lit up the scene. pic.twitter.com/ALXUVrGoIA

– Telenoticias21 GMV (@ TN21sv)
August 28, 2019


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