A flaw with flight software, the main assumption of the tragedy of Ethiopian Airlines


This is strongly suggested by the accident of October 29, 2018, when the Boeing 737 MAX of the Lion Air JT610 flight fell in Indonesia. The tragedy left 157 dead.

The two black flight boxes were recovered. A company official, who did not identify himself, explained that one of them was partially damaged.

"We will see what we can achieve," he said. The second black box of the plane was also found, the company said.

The recovered devices include the "badpit voice recorder and the digital flight data recorder".

"It is presumed that the cause of the accident is in the black box data," explained the company, recalling that she "had immediately suspended the commercial operations of all Boeing 737-Max 8 after the tragic accident ".

The United States will order Boeing to modify the 737 MAX 8 and 737 MAX 9, including the MCAS control system, the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) announced on Monday.

The American aircraft manufacturer must comply with the request "no later than April", badured the FAA, which decided not to stop the 737 MAX 8's fleet ashore, contrary to what had been put in place in Indonesia and China.

For its part Boeing has no new indications to give after the accident of the Ethiopian Airlines B737 Max in which 157 people died.

On the decision of some countries to leave this model on the ground (such as China, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and Mongolia), the US group said in a statement that security "was our top priority "and that" we take all necessary steps the aspects of the incident, working in close contact with the investigation team and all authorities involved. "

Sources of Aerolineas Argentinas told this media that there was a working group badyzing the situation, but that there was still no clear details about what had happened with it. Damaged aircraft. Before a request for information from airlines to Boeing, the answer was that you did not have to make hasty decisions.

South Korea has launched a "precautionary" survey on this model. A team of four technicians went to Eastar Jet, a local low-cost company, to inquire about autopilot and other systems, although it's only for the moment not considered keeping the aircraft on the ground.

Other South Korean companies plan to incorporate this model in the future and no changes are planned for the moment.

At the same time, a team from Zaka, the Israeli emergency group, left last night in Ethiopia to get to where the Boeing crashed. a Jewish tomb. "


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