A former guerrilla and a beauty queen will compose the opposition formula to face Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua


Oscar Sobalvarro and Berenice Quezada, members of the opposition formula who will face the Ortega regime in the presidential elections of Nicaragua
Oscar Sobalvarro and Berenice Quezada, members of the opposition formula who will face the Ortega regime in the presidential elections of Nicaragua

The Alianza Ciudadanos por la Libertad (CxL) presented this Wednesday a presidential formula that seeks to confront the dictator of the Nicaraguan regime, Daniel Ortega, and which is made up of former Nicaraguan Resistance commander Óscar Sobalvarro and Miss Nicaragua 2017, Berenice Quezada.

The opposition formation has confirmed Sobalvarro as a presidential candidate, although he has already been formalized, and Quezada as a vice-presidential candidate, local media report. ‘The press’.

The president of CxL, Kitty Monterrey stressed that the two candidates dared to participate in the legislative elections of November 7 despite the arrest of other candidates and opposition leaders by the Ortega regime., including three presidential candidates of this formation – Arturo Cruz, Juan Sebastián Chamorro and Noel Vidaurre.

Oscar Sobalvarro presidential candidate of Nicaragua
Oscar Sobalvarro presidential candidate of Nicaragua

“We do not want to give way to the regime and say that the opposition did not want to appear”Monterrey asserted in the presentation of the formula in a speech in which he defended the participation in the elections despite the fact that the process is “controlled” by the supporters of Ortega.

In this sense, he indicated that not going to the elections would be a mistake since, as he estimated, “the democratic opposition” must be “courageous, strong and determined” despite “the difficulties” that it is going through. .

Monterrey influenced this Failing to do so, the opposition “will open the way for those who practice repression, the violation of rights and who want to perpetuate themselves in power by imprisoning their opponents”.

The President of the Citizens for Freedom (CXL) party, Kitty Monterrey (c)
The President of the Citizens for Freedom Party (CXL), Kitty Monterrey (c)

“This party, this electoral alliance, these candidates will not become the mosquitoes of the regime. We are opposed to the regime and we will continue to work to defeat it, ”added the president of the alliance.

For his part, Sobalvarro said that in his draft government plan, the main objective is to restore freedom and institutionalization in Nicaragua, while Quezada stressed that, during his first foray into politics, he wants to do part of the “change” in the Central American country.

Berenice Quezada aspiring to the vice-presidency of Nicaragua
Berenice Quezada aspiring to the vice-presidency of Nicaragua

Nearly 30 independent politicians and journalists were arrested in the latest crackdown, including presidential candidates Cristiana Chamorro, Arturo Cruz, Félix Maradiaga, Juan Sebastián Chamorro, Miguel Mora and Medardo Mairena.

The Managua hotel where the CxL candidates were presented has been surrounded by Nicaraguan police, while the community’s internal and international denunciations of the Ortega regime’s crackdown on the opposition continue.

(With information from Europa Press)


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