A former IMF director said that "the disbursement is in danger" by the statements of Alberto Fernández


Claudio Loser, former director of the Western Hemisphere of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), gave his opinion on the negotiations that the government is carrying out to clarify payment of money agreed for September. "Peligra after the statements of Alberto Fernández make the Fund co-responsible for the current situation, "he said.

The economist thought the arrival of 5400 million US dollars "it will be done in the long run" and "will be fought" because of the situation the country is going through. "Even if the IMF did not disburse the money, I think the Central Bank could handle the situation," added Argentina, who knows the operation of the Fund better than anyone else.

For this disbursement to be completed, the government's economic team met with IMF officials on Saturday and Monday badyze the evolution of public accounts, according to the commitment made after the signing of the agreement to be listening. The vision of the delegation of the Fund on the progress of the Argentine economy it will be of vital importance credit the US $ 5,400 million expected for mid-September and that Casa Rosada hopes to reinforce its economic plan.

In a parallel with the 2001 crisis, Loser bluntly stated: "The objective elements we have today lead us to say that we are not in the same situation". And strongly criticized the public statements of the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos: "The signals given by Fernández are the Causes of this uncertainty"

In a broader badysis of the country's economic situation, he said it would be "good to increase retentions", although "the $ 60 dollar helps." candidates to agree on economic measures, "he predicted during a dialogue with Strong dish, the radio program of María Laura Santillán in National Radio.

The loser also avoided giving political advice before the October elections: "In my interpretation, I think that Cristina Fernández is the one who drives the presidential formula of the opposition ". And, on the version that had been installed of a supposed request from the Fund to advance the elections, he said: "I do not believe that anybody from the IMF said that there was a void of power in Argentina., respect the institutions".

The Fund itself denied having demanded an "advance on the elections" at the meeting in Buenos Aires between representatives of the organization, the candidate Alberto Fernández and his economic team. "IMF categorically denies that members of the delegation suggested advancing the presidential elections due to alleged concerns over a hypothetical "power vacuum", said a spokesman Monday evening.

The IMF statement comes after the versions mentioning the meeting between Fernández, his economic team and representatives of the organization, Alejandro Werner, Roberto Cardarelli and Trevor Alleyne, the latter suggested an advance of elections, agreed for 27 October .


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