A former soldier killed his ex-girlfriend and three worshipers in an evangelical temple | Chronic


A former Brazilian soldier killed his ex-girlfriend, then went to an evangelical church, where he murdered three others, in Paracatu, a municipality located in the state of Minas Gerais, in the north of the country, the police said.

Rudson Aragao Guimaraes, a parishioner from the Evangelical Shalom Baptist Church, went to his ex-girlfriend's house on Tuesday and killed him with a stab.

After murdering the woman who attended the church pastor, he went to the temple with a .36 caliber pistol and fired at the group of 20 people who were attending a worship service.

Two elders, including the pastor's father, died instantly.

In the midst of bullfights and desperate cries, the former soldier hijacked a woman who was killed with a bullet in the head when he noticed the arrival of the police on places.

The police fired and badly injured the attacker, who is in intensive care at the city's hospital.

"If the police had not arrived in time, the mbadacre would have been much worse because he had bullets left."he said Flávio Santiago. Mayor of the military police of Minas Gerais.


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