A four-year-old girl turned out to have an IQ …


The Kids’ Club with Excellent Intelligence, which brings together various gifted associations, welcomed 4-year-old Dayaal Kaur, born in Birmingham, UK, after giving a online admission test in which he obtained a coefficient close to that of Albert Einstein.

The baby with roots in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India, She is one of the first to join the UK Mensa community of around 2,000 young and adolescent members. But also, he was part of the group made up of the richest 1% of the British population, classified as ‘very gifted or very advanced’.

The girl had already surprised her parents when she was only 14 months old and had mastered the English alphabet and by the age of two, he had demonstrated math and literacy skills, in addition to being able to name all the planets in the solar system, according to the English newspaper Mirror.

The managing director of the British organization, John Stevenage, suggested that the family “take advantage of the network of supportive parents that has developed and we hope that as they grow up Dayaal will make and make many lifelong friends. experience. learning and networking opportunities that Mensa offers, ”according to India Today.

Recognition came once local experts They allowed the young girl’s access to the intelligence program for the gifted in the education system.
His father, professor of health, welfare and pastoral care, was in charge of presenting the documentation which accredited him as being of a much higher standard than his age and proved that it was one in a million.

The gifts demonstrated in the assessment were not only approved by the examiners, but were recommended by expert Lyn Kendall to include the girl in classes more advanced than those of her age. In her report, the counselor wrote: “Dayaal is a girl exceptionally capable whose intelligence falls in the 99.9 percentile for their age. “

He added: “I would rarely recommend removing a child from your group from the course. However, given the skill and maturity of Dayaal, in this case it might be something to consider.“, He said.

Additionally, her parents ended up accepting Kendall’s advice that learning doesn’t just focus on math and English, but immerses itself in geography, nature, history, science, environment and culture, which are hardly played out in schools, especially at the level corresponding to their age.

Be admitted to the famous society of exceptional talents It also earned him the offer of a low-cost scholarship to a private school in Edgbaston, but despite this, the father was unable to take advantage of it.


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