A G20 marked by the wait for the vaccine | Faith…


President Alberto Fernández has warned that the world is moving towards “alarming levels of inequality” and that it is necessary to address the reasons that generate it to move towards a more balanced world. He did so in his post at the opening session of the G20 Leaders’ Summit, which he ultimately improvised because it made him feel like all his peers were saying more or less the same thing. In addition, no one has taken into account countries like Argentina – medium-developed or “peripheral”, as he described them – which, although not in the dire situation of the poorest, also suffer. deficiencies that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Fernández especially thanked the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, for the efforts made to have the vaccine applied soon. In this regard, the government announced that a technical delegation had arrived in the country to complete the closing of the contractual conditions for the purchase of 25 million doses of Sputnik V and to explore the research of an Argentinian laboratory to transfer the technology. and manufacturing. the vaccine directly here.

Obviously, the situation generated by the pandemic and the definite possibility of a short-term exit have become the axis of the virtual summit. Fernández connected from Chapadmalal to the meeting which was held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and which was perfectly attended by heads of state of the main countries of the world. Even Donald Trump, whose presence was questioned until the last minute, participated. Although he briefly logged in for a speech with his tag, in which he called America’s economic performance in the first quarter of the year “historic” until the pandemic came along and ruined everything. Above, he said goodbye with a “see you next year,” crediting his idea with voter fraud. “It was hilarious,” they commented in the Argentine government about the participation and lit candles for the replacement of elected Joe Biden. “It’s not that we’re very excited about this, but nothing can be worse than Trump,” they argued.

Leaders such as Germany’s Angela Merkel, Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, Italian Giuseppe Conte and even Briton Boris Johnson have spoken of the need to ensure universal access to the vaccine. Even with the creation of a common fund to finance immunization in the poorest countries. So when it was his turn to speak, Fernández put aside the message he had prepared so as not to repeat what had already been said and to emphasize the inequality. “We never stop paying attention to the weakest in Argentina,” he commented on the work of his administration during these months, stressing that he had to assume “in a situation of extreme weakness, of which we have inherited “.

He envisioned an economy that would be reborn from the defeat of the virus. But he is concerned that the heads of state of advanced countries refer exclusively to the situation of the poorest countries, while those with medium development are experiencing extreme difficulties. “We need for the future to expand the world financially and for this financial expansion to reach countries like Argentina, in order to order the imbalances that the pandemic has created in our economy,” he said. . The head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, shared his opinion. Fernández warned of the need to secure vaccine supplies to Latin America so that in the fall of next year, the second wave of infections seen today in Europe does not recur.

The president delivered his message of ten minutes accompanied by the Minister of the Economy, Martín Guzmán and the representative at the IMF, Sergio Chodos. In addition, the session was followed from Buenos Aires by the Argentine G20 Sherpa, Ambassador Jorge Argüello. Today he will speak again at the close. Yesterday, he pointed out that Argentina had contacted all vaccine suppliers but made particular reference to Putin “because we have worked hard to get the Russian vaccine to Argentina in a timely manner.” In this regard, the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, confirmed the arrival of a Russian delegation to complete the signing of the Sputnik V supply contract, an act which would take place next week. He stressed that this vaccine is already being tested in Europe and that the purchase here will be effective once approved by Antat. “We are certain that we will carry out a historic vaccination campaign,” Cafiero said.

But, in addition, the Russian delegation is looking for a national laboratory to carry out the technology transfer and for the vaccine to be manufactured here, as is the case – in part – with that of AstraZeneca and Oxford. Sputnik V, in addition to Russia, is made in India, South Korea and China. In principle, the 25 million doses expected by the end of the year would come from some of these foreign laboratories, in order to launch the vaccination campaign in January. The use of an Argentinian laboratory will not only end up securing this enormous supply, but the government has also imagined a lower cost, given the savings in production and transport.

On Monday, the vaccination committee will be launched, headed by Fernández himself and coordinated by the Minister of Health, Ginés González García, in which specialists from the ministries of Health, Security, Defense, Interior will participate. and Science and Technology. There will be around 150,000 people involved in the unprecedented operation with which 23% of the population is expected to be vaccinated between January and February, starting with essential workers – health, safety, teachers – and those from groups at risk. The armed and security forces will involve the majority of their members to set up the distribution chain throughout the country.


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