A girl has lived 17 years with a baby in her body without knowing it


For a phenomenon called "Fetus in fetu", a woman in India has lived unknowingly throughout her life with a "twin brother" in your body Recently, doctors removed a body measuring 30 × 16 × 10 centimeters from the belly and even He had hair and "multiple teeth".

During her 17 years of life, the young woman experienced a strange process in her abdomen. Inside, there was a parasitic body close to one "Rare anomaly development in which a malformed fetus is inside the body of another twin, "scientists said in a BMJ Case Reports publication.

According to the report, the girl has developed a tumor for 5 years, its size "gradually increased". During this period, he suffered abdominal pain.

The patient's abdomen before the doctors removed her
The abdomen of the patient before the doctors remove the "parasitic brother". (Credit: BMJ case reports)

After several studies, including a contrast scanner, the doctors managed to diagnose a case of "Fetus in fetu", so they decided extract the intruder by surgery.

One in a million

The "fetus in fetu" is a type of parasitic twin very little developed. According to specialists, this is a "extremely rare condition", a phenomenon that occurs in a birth in a million and that there are fewer than 200 cases recorded in the medical literature.

In addition, according to BMJ Newspapers, the case of the young Hindu is the first recorded in the body of an almost adult woman. Up to now, only 7 other similar cases seen in people over 15 years are known.


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