A girl interrupted the general audience and the pope's reaction generated applause


The general audience of this Wednesday August 21st dad Francisco he normally pbaded in the Paul VI clbadroom of the Vatican, When a girl goes on stage and makes gestures for a few minutes, she comes to stand before the pope when he speaks and even shakes hands. Faced with this scene, rare in the austere framework of Vatican protocol, Francisco continued to talk about the relationship between Christ's followers and the children of Christianity, although the girl, who appeared to be about 12 or 13 years old, Remaining on stage a few meters from the Pontiff, he approached his chair and came to stand before him, back to the audience that filled the clbadroom Paul VI.

"Francisco's gestures have a different impact on Argentina"

"Leave her, leave her alone," the pope told one of the Swiss guards who had threatened to go in search of the girl. "God speaks through the children, leave it," Francisco added and that generated the thunder of applause hundreds of people who filled the place.

The scene continued throughout the hearing, and the pope looked at the baby from time to time, indicating that he had health problems and that this motivated him to not be aware of his acts. It is only at the end of the pontiff's message that the leaders of the group in which the little girl managed to get her out of the scene.

When the message of the pontiff ended, he again referred to the girl, noting that "Everyone has seen this girl so beautiful, because she is beautiful, but poor, she is a victim of an illness and does not know what she does, but I ask them and each respond with their heart: Who prayed for it? When I saw her, did I pray that God would heal her and take care of her? "

And, faced with what the subject had taken in discovering the health problems of the baby, Francisco recommended to the public: "Always, when we see a person suffering, we must pray. And can the situation we have seen here with this baby always help us ask: did I pray for this person that I saw who was suffering?

H. B.


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