A grandmother gave birth to her own grandson because her daughter was born without a uterus – 03/29/2019


Emma Miles, a lady of 55 years and who already has two big daughters, gave birth to her own grandson Sunday. Her 31-year-old daughter was born with a deformity of the uterus and Miles underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) to be able to give birth to her own daughter.

IVF is the technique by which an egg is bound to sperm in a laboratory – in vitro – to get fertilized embryos to transfer into the womb of the mother and to progress into pregnancy.

Tracey, Emma and little Evie. Photo: the sun

Tracey, Emma and little Evie. Photo: the sun

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Tracey Smith, 31, was born without a uterus, and her mother accepted fertilization with Tracey's husband, Adam, who is 40 years old. It is so that Emma Miles started taking hormonal medications for fertilization to be effective.

Women over the age of 35 are at higher risk of miscarriage and other life-threatening complications of pregnancy. But Emma decided to go ahead with subrogation despite discouragement.

Adam, Tracey with the girl and Emma Miles, the grandmother's mother. Photo: Daily News.

Adam, Tracey with the girl and Emma Miles, the grandmother's mother. Photo: Daily News.

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So, this lady from Lampeter, Wales, gave birth to the little Evie January 16th. The baby was born by caesarean section and Emma and the child did not present any complications. Ms. Miles, who is also the mother of 24-year-old Nicola, said, "Find out that Tracey could not have children. it destroyed me"

"She rarely felt able to open, but when I had the opportunity, right after her diagnosis, I remember that she was sitting on her bed and I said: "I'm here if you need me."

The baby was born in January without any problem. Photo: Daily Maill.

The baby was born in January without any problem. Photo: Daily Maill.

"Despite my age, I did not care at all to give birth, my goal was to do something special for my daughter," she told the Daily Mail newspaper. "I do not feel more attached to Evie than any other proud grandmother – my baby and I have done everything for her to be mother."

"Now, I'm happy to go back to work and do it normally, but I offered him to start over again if they ever wanted a little brother or sister for Evie."

It is thought that Emma is one of the largest surrogate mothers in Britain. In 2011, Pamela Butler, 57, had become the eldest child after giving birth to her grandson Josef.

And in 2016, a 67-year-old Greek woman, Anastbadia Ontou, became the world's largest mother-grandmother. She also took the son of her daughter.


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