A green dog is born and left its owners stunned – News


A Danish female gave birth to nine puppies in the city of Canon, United States, and the surprise came when the owner discovered that one of them was green.

As published Antena3.comAt first, the owner, Caddy Willians, thought the eighth puppy had black fur.

"It was dark, so I took the flashlight off my phone and she was green! It was very shocking when she was born," Williams confessed.

The cause of this strange color is the green pigment called biliverdin, which can be found inside the dog's placenta. When this substance is mixed with the amniotic fluid, the fluid that surrounds and protects the embryo can stain the newborn's coat.

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"Fortunately, I had recently read an article about a green dog, so I knew at least what was going on," said the owner.

Williams said that over time, "Verdant" – so-called unusual dog – will lose its green color. He also said that she and her brothers were born healthy.


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