a group called Justicieros de la Frontera kidnapped and murdered a young man


Paraguay |  A group called Justicieros de la Frontera kidnapped and murdered a young man: they cut off his hands and skinned him

“The vigilantes are back. We go there for everything… Death to thieves, ”says the poster found stuck on the body of a 17-year-old boy. In addition, they cut off his hands and scratched him.

The victim, identified as Derlis Alonzo Cardozo, was abducted last night in Pedro Juan Caballero, Amambay department. At around 6:30 a.m. Wednesday, she was found by a passerby on a local road in the Carolina 2 section of the area.

Commissioner Jorge Vidallet, Amambay’s deputy head of crime investigations told EXTRA that the boy does not have a criminal record, but several thefts are attributed to him that have not been reported.

“According to the information we got last night, he was kidnapped. I was sharing a few friends’ house when, supposedly, two people with balaclavas and guns in hand walked in asking for a person, ”he said.

Paraguay |  A group called Justicieros de la Frontera kidnapped and murdered a young man: they cut off his hands and skinned him

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they cut off his hands and scratched him

When the girls realized the situation, they started running and hid in a bathroom; however, Alonzo Cardozo was unable to escape. “When they left they couldn’t find him anymore and they didn’t know whether the boy had run away or not,” Vidallet said.

The authorities managed to contact Alonzo Cardozo’s mother and when they questioned her, they received the terrible images of the young man’s body which was perfectly identified by her.

“We found out he had several cuts, he was grazed from chest to face and his hands were severed,” he said.

For her part, Griselda Cardozo, the mother of the miner, told local media that her son worked in a motorcycle workshop and with a German, claimed that that night he was at his girlfriend’s house and that around 9:00 p.m. found out on the situation.

The woman alleges that the vigilantes misdirected their goal because her son is a good and hardworking person.


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