A group of Brazilian drug traffickers tried to take a prison in Misiones – 31/07/2018


Misiones police frustrated an attempted shooting of the prison of Oberá, while the national government investigated to find out if it was in question. A distraction maneuver to free a supposed member of the powerful Brazilian drug cartel called the First Command of the Capital (PCC). It is proven that the detainees are part of a gang of bank smugglers and thieves in Brazil, but they are now trying to confirm if they are members of the CCP

Vanderei "Vando" Lopez, is held in the provincial prison of Oberá. Explosives expert while in the Posadas unit is imprisoned Regis Da Silva López, who would be the leader of the band and, according to national government sources, was the other goal to be released. A few days ago, police arrested two Brazilians with fake pbadports that were the subject of an investigation if they were part of the coup attempt of both units. which fueled the badumption that they were trying to release both. to the attacks allowed Tuesday the capture of the Brazilian Carlos Eduardo Reinicke who has a warrant of arrest and is a fugitive of the Justice of Brazil. It is one of the first times that foreigners attack an Argentine prison unit.

This is not the first clue to the presence of the CCP in the country. Last April, 30 CCP members attacked the Prosegur company in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, as part of a commando operation, and took $ 40 million. A few days later, one of them was arrested a few days later in Argentina.

The attack materialized 24 hours Wednesday as the national government began a redeployment operation of 3,000 soldiers to patrol and provide logistical support to the gendarmerie and prefecture in border control. One of the concentration points of the soldiers will be precisely the missionary community of ElDorado.

The attempt to take charge of the criminal unit II of Oberá took place on Monday evening and at that moment the police of Misiones, more than intelligence agents of the Security of the Nation , drive raking to try to stop the rest of the band .

The El Territorio newspaper reported that the attackers used long weapons and were repulsed by the prison guard so they fled to the mountain area. In the vicinity of the prison were shots of a 38 SP revolver, "miguelitos" nails, machetes, two backpacks and an abandoned Renault Logan car.

National government sources consulted by Clarín recounted the attack with the capture, in November of last year, of a band of Brazilians who tried to steal a bank in the missionary town of El Soberbio.

The members of this group are involved in [40] Banks of Brazil . The capture of the band was after a raid on a property located in El Button, about 32 kilometers from El Soberbio, the nearest town to the famous Moconá jumps.

Rudinei & Gordo was arrested at the time. & # 39; Lopes (37), who will be the leader of the organization, Vanderei & # 39; Vando Lopez (32 years old) and Juliane Cristina Cardoso (26 years old). In their homes, a 5.56 caliber badault rifle, a Taurus automatic pistol, a rifle, an explosive loaf, 54 caliber 380, 141 5.56 caliber cartridges, two bulletproof vests, a hood and related objects to umbanda rituals, reported El Territorio.

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