A group of commando came to the bullets for a party: there are 13 dead – 20/04/2019


Thirteen people who they participated in a party they were shot down by members of a command group who he went to the shots instead of. The mbadacre took place in Veracruz, a violent state in eastern Mexico where drug cartels maintain bloody battle for control of drug routes.

Police are monitoring the attack area in Minatitlán. (REUTERS / Angel Hernandez)

Police are monitoring the attack area in Minatitlán. (REUTERS / Angel Hernandez)

The attack took place Friday night in Minatitlán, a neighborhood Municipality of 356,000 inhabitantswhen a group of foreigners "arrived at the scene asking for a person known as & # 39; The Beky & # 39;at that time, they carried out detonations, depriving seven men, five women and a minor of their lives, "according to the brief report of the Veracruz Public Security Secretariat.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

In addition, three men and one woman were injured in the attack that occurred during a "family reunion", specified in the text.

Survivors of the attack said chilling details. "They were like six subjects who they arrived pulling on everyone. They saw that one I had a baby in my arms and yet they shot him, "said a young woman whose brother died during the shooting. Almost everyone was thrown to the ground and they told them to turn around to see them. That they saw them while they were shooting them to kill them"he added.

Parents and friends lament at the place where 13 people died in a shootout in Minatitlan. (Angel Hernandez / AFP)

Parents and friends lament at the place where 13 people died in a shootout in Minatitlan. (Angel Hernandez / AFP)

"I felt the gun in my head, the guy pointed me. I leaned over and did not shoot at me, "said a 50-year-old woman at the French AFP news agency, who was at the party dressed in a traditional Mexican colored costume.

Federal and state forces have launched a operational research Managers with checkpoints and security filters at points near the site. According to the first police reports, "El Beky" is designated as owner of a bar located in Minatitlán, said Public Security, which has already asked the prosecution to conduct investigations.

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In the state of Veracruz, which stretches all over the Gulf Coast, the Los Zetas drug cartels and their rivals Jalisco Nueva Generación maintain blood and fire for control of drug routes and fuel theft.

On many occasions, badbadins kill rivals and their bodies disappear in clandestine tombs or kill them in the street, parties or public restaurants.

Police at the scene of the attack where 13 people died. (Angel Hernandez / AFP)

Police at the scene of the attack where 13 people died. (Angel Hernandez / AFP)

Last November, also in Minatitlán, five people were killed by armed men who took part in a party celebrating a wedding anniversary.

More than 40,000 people they miss In Mexico, in full wave of drug-related violence, particularly since the end of 2006, the government of President Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) has launched a controversial and intense military offensive to deal with the mafias who engage in this activity .

Since then, about 250,000 people have been killed, according to official data that do not specify how many of these victims are related to the fight of criminals. Last Wednesday, authorities in Veracruz announced the discovery of 36 possible secret graves on a piece of land.


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