A group of Polish Catholic priests burning Harry Potter books


Warsaw – A group of Polish Catholic priests burned several objects that they considered contrary to "respect for God", including books by Harry Potter or an umbrella of Hello Kitty, as part of an action to fight magic and false idols, according to their authors.

The leader of this bonfire is the "SMS from Heaven" foundation, a conservative Catholic organization that claims to use new technologies to spread Polish teachings to Poles.

The foundation has today published on social media photographs of its action, which took place on weekends and in which several priests stack books and other objects with the help of children for the children. transfer to the place where the fire takes place.

The action took place in Gdansk (north) and several books are visible in the flames, including "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" or "Fahrenheit 451", talismans, an African wooden mask, the figurine d & rsquo; A chance elephant or a Hello Kitty pink umbrella.

"SMS from Heaven" explains that the fire was done in the respect of God and enumerates some quotes from the Bible to justify the issue.

"The use of horoscopes, astrology, chiromnia, prophecies or omens are manifestations of the desire to control time, history and humanity and, in same time, the desire to gain hidden powers, that is why these practices are contrary to respect and reverence, respect to God ", it reads on your Facebook account.

The images have been criticized by several Internet users, who compare for example the action with the fire of books organized by the Nazi authorities on the place of the Opera in Berlin in 1933.

The foundation "SMS from Heaven" was created in 2012 by a group of Polish religious and, among its objectives, insists on the spread of the Word of God and the doctrine of the Catholic Church by all the means offered by today's technology, says the foundation on their website.

One of the leaders of this foundation is the priest Rafael Jarosiewicz, who launched in 2014 the first mobile confessional in Poland, a red means of transport with a signal similar to that of ambulances and who has traveled the Polish streets this year -the. "help souls".

This foundation is located in the conservative wing of the Polish Church, although the local Catholic hierarchy has repeatedly praised its willingness to use new technologies in favor of spreading the art of the church. Gospel.


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