A group stole and sold drugs with masks of Lionel Messi to hide their faces


A gang, which was dedicated to the theft and sale of drugs in the cities of Guernica and Glew, used masks by Lionel Messi to hide their faces . The police disrupted the organization and in the raid the three masks used to give their shots were found.

Three men, including one from Paraguay, were arrested in the south-west of the conurbano. In the operation was seized 1500 cocaine packages ready for sale, several doses of marijuana, a rifle and ammunition of different calibers, in addition to the money and shirts of the Argentine team.

  The elements sequestered in the raid.
The elements sequestered in the raid.

Investigators determined that the band was engaged in the sale of narcotics and robbery in the areas of Almirante Brown and President Perón, in order to avoid "robbery". to be recognized by security cameras, they covered their faces with masks of Messi.

The authorities believe that the raid took place just before the gang went on a drug sale. Were cocaine packaging ready for marketing?

Prisoners aged 26, 30 and 32 were at the disposal of President Perón's UFI No. 1 and Cañuelas Court of Guarantees No. 8 of the La Plata Judicial Department.

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