A guaidó was arrested in the United States: you can not authorize a military intervention


On his Twitter account, the member of the US House of Representatives, Ro Khanna, he reminded Guaidó that he was not in a position to authorize anything.

To integrate

Mr. Guaido, you can declare yourself leader of Venezuela, but you do not allow US military intervention. Only the US Congress can do it. We will not do it. https://t.co/rbPldFOnOZ

– Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna) February 9, 2019

"Mr. Guaidó, you can proclaim yourself leader of Venezuela, but you can not authorize US military interventions. Only the American Congress can do it ", the Democratic leader tweeted Saturday. He added: "We will not do it."

In another tweet, he reiterated that neither President Donald Trump, nor the "neoconservative officials of the Ministry of Defense", nor the lobbyists of defense subcontractors "have the power to decide whether states United States must participate in military conflicts. " "Only Congress," he said.

To integrate

Only Congress has the power to decide whether the US government should be involved in military conflicts.

Not the president

Not neo-conservative officials of the Department of Defense.

Not lobbyists of defense contractors.

Only the congress.

– Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna) February 10, 2019

When asked if he would accept an American military invasion to Venezuela, Guaidó did not hesitate to answer in an affirmative manner. "We will do everything we can, it is a very controversial issue, but by using our sovereignty and exercising our powers, we will do what is necessary," said the self-styled president.

Trump himself had said a few days ago that the invasion was "an option" that was taken into account.


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