A half-sanction for the "short law" that gives way to telecommunications operators on satellite television


Ibarra, when he took the project in the Senate

  Ibarra, when he took the project in the Senate

The Senate of the Nation gave a half-sanction yesterday to the draft "Law to promote the deployment of ICT infrastructure and competition "It was approved in committee last Wednesday, with an amended opinion on the one sent by the executive power. According to the text, the telephone companies and the licensees of information and communication technology (ICT) services must provide their infrastructure to other licensees for the deployment of their networks, to the extent that "[] 19659004] Since the merger of Telecom with Cablevisión there is less than a week for the defense of competition, creating the largest telecommunications operator in Argentina and one of the largest in the region, the decision is relevant it follows from the law to extend until July 2020 the possibility that the telephone operators can offer satellite broadcasting and satellite TV services in Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Rosario. The schedule will now be from January 1, 2021 for urban centers of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants and is postponed to January 1, 2022 for smaller cities, indicates the text voted yesterday and approved by 46 votes against 11. [19659004] The initiative aims to level the supply of companies with different access capabilities, especially protecting all cable operators and telecom cooperatives in the interior of the country.

In the Ministry of Modernization, which introduced the initiative, stressed that this occurs within the framework of the National Connectivity Plan, to reduce the digital divide throughout the country so that Argentines can access the benefits of Tics through quality services at an affordable price. [19659007] By

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"We are convinced that this project will promote competition and investment in the sector in order to improve the supply and quality of services for Argentines, as well as effective protection measures for SMEs and small businesses. cooperatives that provide services is an example of consensus work between politics and the private sector, "said the head of modernization, Andrés Ibarra.

The Minister commented that "it is essential to ensure a modern and dynamic regulatory framework for Digital Transformation Argentina, so that companies can gradually offer convergence services that include not only mobile connectivity and fixed Internet , but also television and telephony. "

The ministry also pointed out that the law aims to promote the shared use of infrastructure, the availability of ARSAT frequencies and the elimination of the rules that limit the The use of certain Technologies for the provision of subscription television services. He also stressed that he seeks to promote supply and competition, while dictating effective measures to protect SMEs and cooperatives.

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