A helicopter crashed into a skyscraper in the heart of New York


Firefighters went to the scene of the accident. Confirmed at least one death

At least one person was killed today when a helicopter crashed while he was performing a forced landing on the roof of a Manhattan building in New York City. local media reports, citing official sources.

According to the New York Police Department, which did not confirm the death, the incident occurred at 2 pm (local time) at the number 787 of Seventh Avenue, which which caused a fire already extinguished.

In the meantime, Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo badured the press that it was "very preliminary information" and added that "there was a helicopter that made a forced landing, an emergency landing or seated on the roof of the building". for one reason or another. "

"A fire occurred when the helicopter hit the roof.The people who were in the building said they felt that the building was shaking," said the governor, adding that the fire department controlled the situation, CNN reported.

The White House said the president had been informed of the situation and was monitoring the situation. The National Transportation Safety Board also said it was aware and was monitoring the situation. The Federal Aviation Administration stated that it "collected information" and that it would be updated when it confirmed the details.


In recent years, many small planes have touched many incidents that have reached the skyscrapers of Manhattan. In 2006, a plane carrying New York's Yankees launcher, Cory Lidle, crashed into a 40-story condo tower located in the Upper East Side.

In 1977, a helicopter crashed against the roof of the former Pan American building and killed five people.

First images of the center of Manhattan where a helicopter crashed: we do not know if there are any wounded – firefighterspic.twitter.com/8JCbMz7WFY

– 6W (@ 6W_en) June 10, 2019

Apparently, a helicopter just crashed in front of the building where I work in downtown Manhattan. pic.twitter.com/n7TRRDGY6l

– Luis (@lugega) June 10, 2019


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