A herd of drunken buffaloes: they drank the alcohol their owners made to smuggle


A small herd of completely drunk buffaloes blew the lid off an illegal liquor depot in Chiloda, Gujarat state, after getting drunk on a mixture of water and alcohol in a drinking fountain. water that hid the smuggled alcohol bottles made by their owners, according to the report Times of India.

One of the farmers, identified as Dinesh Thakor, observed that the buffaloes they lost their appetite. So, they stopped eating completely during the day and began to throw drool. Worried, he called a vet from Kunjad village to come and check the animals. Finding no apparent explanation, they were left for observation overnight.

The next day, far from recovering, the buffalo woke up excited. They bounced uncontrollably from side to side and continued to foam from their snouts, prompting the three farm brothers, Dinesh Thakor, Ambaram Thakor and Ravi Thakor, to call a new vet.

The assistant inspector Dilipsinh Baldev, said that according to the complaint filed at the Chiloda Police Station, the second vet noticed a strange smell coming from the water cooler and saw that the water was yellow.

The farmers told him the color was from the branches falling into the water, but the vet reported the farmers to authorities after leaving the barn, according to Time.

Buffaloes are mainly bred for milk production and for him transport in India and are sometimes used as working animals. They are also found in animals beaten down as part of Durga puja, a Hindu festival celebrated in India in honor of the goddess durga, one of the many manifestations of the Mother Goddess across the universe.

When the police raided the barn, they found bottles of vodka, whiskey Yes other alcoholic drinks. In total, they found 101 bottles put inside the trough, which were assessed in 35 lakhs, equivalent to approximately $ 470.

“Animals probably drank water mixed with alcohol from damaged liquor bottles,” police said Time, and added that the buffaloes have already recovered from their terrible drunkenness.

In Gujarat, the home state of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the manufacture, purchase, sale or transport alcohol is prohibited and punishable by heavy fines and even prison terms.

The game Bharatiya Janata (BJP), which backs Gujarati Prime Minister Modi, has recently come under scrutiny for a number of questionable policies.

In May, some BJP members claimed cow droppings can protect against the coronavirus, resulting in million people to be covered with manure already drink cow urine against the advice of the country’s doctors.


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