A historian explained why the pope's position on the crisis in Venezuela


"The pope is neither left nor right, the pope is a religious and spiritual leader, chosen as the most representative leader in the world," said historian Ignacio Cloppet in the show.

New therapies

, which is transmitted by

LN +

. The specialist explained why, in his opinion, the

dad Francisco

can not refer to the situation of the

crisis in Venezuela.

"The pope can not say" there is a communism "or" there is no communism "because it does not belong there The Venezuelan people have to solve problems internally and do not look for foreign interventions, "he continued. So, he said that the pope will not take a stand on this issue because it does not belong to him.

"He can not take sides", he insisted, while confronting the Venezuelan political leader Miguel Ángel Martínez, also enrolled in the program. Martinez focused on the people who left the country because of the crisis and on the critical importance of Francisco's publication in this regard.


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