A huge fish swallows a shark with a single bite (VIDEO)


Florida fishermen were shocked to see a big fish come out of the depths to swallow the shark that they had just caught.

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In the video, posted on YouTube on July 19, he shows a shark on a meter stuck in a rod at fishing next to the boat, when without waiting a simple goliat of about 200 kilograms appears and devours it with a single bite.

Captain Jimmy Wheeler told what happened to the news network Fox News : "He just absorbed it, I do not remember seeing anything so crazy".

This particular incident caused a great surprise among the people on board the boat, including several children who do not stop shouting.


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The fishermen had to fight for a few minutes against the big animal to free the line and release the shark that was still alive in the mouth of its predator.

The simple goliath or simple guasa is one of the largest bony fishes in the ocean, with its large mouth and gills forming a suction system with which, instead of biting its prey, he swallows it all at once. They can weigh up to 300 kilograms and measure over two and a half meters.


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