A journalist announced the theft of a dog and behind her the thief crossed her while walking | the Chronicle


A reporter was reporting live on a dog theft when suddenly he met the suspected thief while walking him on the public road.

“Titus”, the dog saved thanks to the journalist and the cameraman.

The incident occurred in Cambridge, United States, where the communicator Juliana Mazza, Channel 7 News was working abroad with its cameraman. A few minutes before meeting the offender, he informed his audience:

“An unknown suspect broke into a parked vehicle and stole a 13-month-old White German Pointer. The suspect was seen walking the dog on the Boston University Bridge. “, he claimed.

Then the unusual happened: Mazza and cameraman John Guice were shocked when, minutes later, they spotted a man walking a dog with characteristics similar to the one she described.

The reporter didn’t think twice and approached the suspect and questioned him about the battering dog accompanying him. Kyle gariepyAs the subject identified himself, he admitted to finding the dog inside a car, but explained that it was a “mistake” rather than theft.

Kyle Gariepy, arrested by law enforcement after being convicted of stealing a dog.

As he justified, the reason why he had not called the telephone number indicated on the “Titus”, the dog, was that his cell phone was broken. However, it was not long before the police arrived on the scene, where Mazza and the cameraman attempted to hold the accused with the dog.

“We were able to convince the suspect to give us the dog and we kept him entertained until Cambridge police arrived shortly thereafter. We are happy, Titus is safe! “


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