A "journey" in space and a billion pixels: that's how Notre Dame was left | Chronic


While the Yankees managed to take the picture of a satellite building, in Russia they took the trouble to create a photo of a gigapixel.

The first satellite image of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was published on the Internet, which was destroyed by a fire on the roof of the building, which occurred last Monday.

The image was tweeted in the report of the Earth Observation and Monitoring Program of the European Union, known as Copernicus.

The publication indicates that the photo was taken by PlanetLabs, American satellite operator.

I also read: Impressive aerial images of Notre Dame after the fire

"I want a zoom"

On the other hand, the Russian site specializing in gigapixel photos, published the aerial shot of Notre Dame Cathedral, exposing the devastation left by the fire last Monday.

Gigarama is dedicated to creating gigapixel photos, composed of a large number of high-resolution frames combined through a program that glues a billion pixels, allowing you to see a panorama that can be enlarged. and see the scene with a lot of details.

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In this case, the photograph of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, was captured after firefighters managed to extinguish the flames that consumed for hours one of the emblematic buildings of the European country.


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