A judgment against Argentina has been signed for the expropriation of YPF – Telam


The Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit of New York has signed a first instance judgment on a one million dollar lawsuit against YPF and the Argentine State after the expropriation of the oil company in 2012, a decision that will be appealed by the national government, according to official sources.

The US judicial firm upheld the decision of the lower court – the Southern District Court of New York, in charge of Loretta Preska – in which Argentina was deemed to have violated the terms of the company's expropriation .

The case was initiated following a lawsuit by Petersen, whose trial is being conducted by Burford Capital Limited, and following the second instance ruling against YPF and the Argentine State, sources said. the national government informed Telam that it would appeal.

"It's a process and we have to follow the steps and of course follow them." I mean, this has been appealed and it's not the end (of the cause), a rejection, far from it: there are resources before Preska herself, the House and the Supreme Court of United States, "added the source.

The decision of the US Court of Appeals was taken in the context of a pending decision of the Supreme Court of that country on the jurisdiction in which the proceedings should be conducted, a question requested by the United States Court of Appeals. # 39; Argentina.


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